Tooth Gems

Tooth Gems are small Swarovski crystals or 18k gold charms that are placed on the surface of the tooth using dental bonding adhesive.

Although the practice has been adopted and altered throughout centuries, the art of decorating teeth with gems and gold dates back to the Mayan civilization. Tooth gems were first made popular in the western world during the 90's and 00's and have recently made a huge resurgence as a must-have accessory in the beauty industry.

These semi-permanent adornments add style to your smile and are customized for your individuality. Gem placement takes minutes and can last up to 24 months. Gems can be placed on any natural tooth and can be safely removed with no damage to the underlying enamel.

*You may not be a good candidate for a tooth gem If you wear retainers such as Invisalign or a night guard.

Swarovski Crystals start at $65

18K Gold Charm $165